API end point: https://patient360.anthem.com/P360Member/api/fhir-r4.

Instance operation accumulators

Get all claim accumulators for the member

Applies to: Patient

In Parameters

Name Cardinality Type Documentation
coverage-level 0..1 string coverage level: 'Individual' or 'NonIndividual' or empty for both, defaults to both
start 0..1 date start date, defaults to the beginning of the same year of the end date
end 0..1 date end date, defaults to the current date
plan-type 0..1 string
last-quarter 0..1 string

Out Parameters

Name Cardinality Type Documentation
usage 0..* member benefits usage for each coverage
desc 1..1 string coverage description, eg 'IND DED IF FAM MBR EQUALS 1'
networkParticipation 1..1 string 'Participating' or 'Non Participating'
code 1..1 string accumulator type: 'Deductible', 'OutOfPocketMax' etc.
benefitValue 1..1 decimal total benefit value
accumulated 1..1 decimal benefit accumulated to the specified date
remaining 1..1 decimal remaining benefit
coverageLevel 1..1 string coverage level: 'Individual', 'Family' etc.
startDt 1..1 date start date
endDt 1..1 date end date